dr.Kelen - Természetesen hat

Naturally Effective

Naturally Effective

Our Credo since generations

Our mission is to grant the joyful freedom of health for everyone regardless of age and gender by unifying nature and science in our health-conscious cosmetics whether it is about skin care, foot care, sun care or body shaping. Building on the expertise of four generations in medicine and pharmaceutics, we have been working on this since 1992 with our team at Dr.Kelen.

Our Credo since generations

Our mission is to grant the joyful freedom of health for everyone regardless of age and gender by unifying nature and science in our health-conscious cosmetics whether it is about skin care, foot care, sun care or body shaping. Building on the expertise of four generations in medicine and pharmaceutics, we have been working on this since 1992 with our team at Dr.Kelen.

Our standards…

The Dr.Kelen products one and all comply with the following strict requirements.


by pharmacists

Our products are developed by our own R&D pharmacist team.



Our products base on optimal combination of natural oils and extracts, without any animal-derived ingredients.



Our products are suitable for all skin type, and safe during pregnancyand breast-feeding as well.

No colourant


The colour of our products comes from the natural herbal ingredients; no artificial colourants are added.

No preservative


None of our products contain preservative.



We guarantee, that our products and the ingredients used to our products are not tested on animals.

Sun care

The laboratory tested SUN sun care products with SPF 6 – 50+ in cream, spray or oil formula provide reliable protection for kids and adults, even for highly sensitive skin. It protects against the harmful effects of the UVA and UVB radiation of the sun, as well as against the free radical damage…

FIT Body Shaping

Get rid of the troublesome fat deposits and cellulite at the same time. The Fit body shaping products will support your effort both at home and at professional use…

Med products

The special rub-in gels and creams are developed based on the complex HerbalSystem concept. Important element of the concept is the careful professional selection of concentrated herbal ingredients…

creams and oils

Our massage oils, rich in natural herbal ingredients, are supporting you in carrying out the special massage treatments in a highly effective and professional way…

Solarium products

The solarium creams help you to achieve quickly a healthy, and even tan. The advantage of the sun bed is its stable, adjustable light composition weather summer or winter…

Sport creams

The use of the specialised sport gels and creams intensify the efficiency of the warm-up, regeneration of muscles, enhances the performance and helps to reduce the risk of injuries…


Natural Tan önbarnító

Biztonságos, foltmentes barnaság UV fény nélkül.

A színezőanyagmentes, természetes anyagokat tartalmazó önbarnító spray foltmentes, tartós barnaságot biztosít minden bőrtípus esetén. Hidratáló és antioxidáns hatása segít megőrizni a bőr rugalmasságát. Napallergiás, anyajegyes bőr esetén is a biztonságos barnulás élményét nyújtja. Nem öregíti, nem szárítja a bőrt, mivel természetes cukorszármazék összetevője a bőr legfelső rétegével képez természetes színreakciót. Egyedi hatóanyag-kombinációja, bőrbarát összetétele biztosítja, hogy arcra, testre egyaránt használható.

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Sun F30+ Protect napkrém

Erős fényvédő hatású napkrém véd a napsugarak UVA + UVB és szabadgyök-képző hatásai ellen, ezáltal védi a bőrt az idő előtti öregedéstől, csökkenti a káros bőrelváltozások kialakulásának kockázatát.
Víztaszító összetétele biztosítja, hogy fürdéskor, izzadáskor is a bőrön marad, így a környezetet sem szennyezi. Arcra, testre egyaránt javasolt.

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Sun F50+ Családi napkrém

Egyetlen termékkel biztosíthatja a család minden tagjának erős UVA+UVB védelmét. Szülők és gyerekek közösen használhatják a bőrbarát összetételű naptejet arcra, testre egyaránt. Aktív E-vitamin tartalma véd a napsugarak szabadgyök képző hatása ellen. Vízálló összetételű, úszáskor, pancsoláskor is védelmet biztosít és a vizet sem szennyezi.

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F30 Bronz Dry Touch bronzolaj

Karotint és fotostabil fényvédő anyagot tartalmazó napolaj megbízható védelmet nyújt a nap káros UVA + UVB sugarai ellen. Gátolja a bőr idő előtti öregedését és megvédi a kiszáradástól, bronzosan csillogó bőrt biztosít. Víztaszító összetétele biztosítja, hogy fürdéskor, izzadáskor is a bőrön marad, így a környezetet sem szennyezi.

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Eczema lipo cream

A Dr.Kelen Ekcéma lipo-krém természetes módon segít megfelelő állapotban tartani és védeni az ekcémás, irritált bőrt. A Panthenol és édesgyökér csökkenti az irritációt, viszketést, a természetes Arginin és Allantoin támogatja a sebgyógyulást, teafaolaj segít megelőzni a felülfertőződést...

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Our partners


"Fit Slim is the very best! I didn’t really believe in it, but it’s brutal. I’ve finally found a reliable product that is perfect when combined with intensive training."

Varga Emília

"I’m really glad I found Dr.Kelen products! I love them! Especially the Sport creams!"

Borcsik Ivett

"I’ve been treating and massaging my customers for 14 years. I’ve tried a lot of creams and oils, but not one of them has produced such fast positive results as Dr.Kelen products. For several of my customers, a single treatment with Dr.Kelen’s joint emulsion gel has resulted in huge improvements."

K. Csilla

"When we opened our salon, I tried to find toning creams that don’t contain all kinds of artificial substances and are made without animal testing. I had never used creams like this before and I didn’t really believe they would work, but when our machine arrived and I started using the Fit Shape deep fat burning cream I was absolutely stunned as we could clearly see it helping to remove fat and it convinced me 100%. For me, it’s important to give my customers products that I know work and that I believe in."

Pélyi Zsófia
body shaping salon owner


"Fit Slim is the very best! I didn’t really believe in it, but it’s brutal. I’ve finally found a reliable product that is perfect when combined with intensive training."

Varga Emília

"I’m really glad I found Dr.Kelen products! I love them! Especially the Sport creams!"

Borcsik Ivett

"I’ve been treating and massaging my customers for 14 years. I’ve tried a lot of creams and oils, but not one of them has produced such fast positive results as Dr.Kelen products. For several of my customers, a single treatment with Dr.Kelen’s joint emulsion gel has resulted in huge improvements."

K. Csilla

"When we opened our salon, I tried to find toning creams that don’t contain all kinds of artificial substances and are made without animal testing. I had never used creams like this before and I didn’t really believe they would work, but when our machine arrived and I started using the Fit Shape deep fat burning cream I was absolutely stunned as we could clearly see it helping to remove fat and it convinced me 100%. For me, it’s important to give my customers products that I know work and that I believe in."

Pélyi Zsófia
body shaping salon owner

Any Questions?

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