The blue grape seed extract contains one of the most effective antioxidant known today (OPC – oligomeric proanthocyanid) against the free radical. Together with the multiactive Vitamin E, it prevents premature ageing of the skincells. Its caffeine, allantoin, centella extract and Vitamin B3 content help the optimal metabolism of the skin. With intensifying the local microcirculation and nutrition of the skin and it supports the rejuvenation process of the cells. After the massage, the skin is firm, flexible and vitalized. The massage lotion unites the benefits of the oil and the cream, it enables perfect massage grips and various massage techniques. The skin is not oily or sticky at all, you can wash it off if whished so. Thanks to its Hypoallergenic composition it pampers the skin of the patient and the hands of the masseur at the same time.
No preservative, no colourant.
Developed by pharmacists.
Actives: grape seed extract, caffeine, allantoin, centella extract, Vitamin B3, Vitamin E
500 ml